You have the power to influence people to see you exactly the way you wish to be perceived

How to Rewire Your Hard Drive

Life changes constantly.  Sometimes we see it coming and other times it sneaks up on us almost in a cruel manner.

Your mission is greater than your role and the circumstances surrounding it.

Focusing on your personal trademark in times of change provides a rock of stability and a forward direction that brings peace and integrity to turbulent times.

Life’s big decisions can be daunting. As much as you may wish there was some magical bell that went off signalling that you have made the correct choice each time, sadly there isn’t.

Your trademark statement is the best tool to measure any major life choices.

The way in which you look, sound, move and interact with others represent the cornerstone of your trademarkThink about it, does it support your mission?

The key to personal trademarking success is for you to define yourself instead of allowing others to define you.

You have the power to influence people to see you exactly the way you wish to be perceived simply by defining who you are; your strengths, values, goals and personality and presenting these points in a compelling, persuasive manner.

In terms of personal development, a personal trademark represents the complete package of an individual.

For instance, grooming, image, interpersonal skills, social and professional skills incorporate the main elements of a personal trademark.

Put simply, the way in which you look, sound, move and interact with others represent the cornerstone of your trademark.

You need to rewire your hard drive and start thinking differently.

More importantly, you need to view yourself as an asset – your most important one.

Living in a reactive mode allows others to take the steering wheel of your life.  While you need to respond to life, you need to respond with intention.

Living within your trademark reminds you to choose the best course of action.

When you communicate your trademark through words and actions, you will naturally attract those who support it.

The more you authentically live your trademark, the more those around you will be those who respect and support your actions.

You need to view yourself as an asset – your most important one.

It’s all possible and I’m living proof.Ralph Lauren

You have the power to influence people to see you exactly the way you wish to be perceived

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