Martin Turner, Tastemaker

Tastemaker – Martin Turner

Martin Turner is our London based tastemaker.

Martin’s career in travel, events, and communications started in 1981 in Australia working with corporate and entertainment clients on projects in television, film, concert, group and business travel logistics. He was Director of Travel for St George Bank and Director of Incentives and Conferences for ITG before returning to the UK in 1997.

Martin was Global Head of Events for Credit Suisse before switching to independent consulting in 2003. Consultancies in event management, communications, brand experience and marketing include projects with UBS, Barclays Capital, NetJets, Ocean Sky, MJM Creative, Fathom XP, and First Global Agency.

Martin has coached Senior Managers in London and New York and delivered L&D communication workshops.

Martin worked extensively throughout Asia Pacific/US and Europe on diverse programs including; multi-track technology conferences, car launches, Pepsi Celebrity Festival, INXS European Tour, Film and Television logistics for Crocodile Dundee and Beyond 2000, horse racing and fashion PR.

Martin has managed VIP client programs for the Los Angeles, Barcelona, Atlanta, and Sydney Olympic Games. As a member of SITE (Society of Incentive Travel Executives) and MPI (Meeting Professionals International), Martin has been a keynote speaker at Industry events worldwide and the subject of television and print interviews.

In 2003 Martin returned to working as a freelance Producer for clients as diverse at Diamond Trading Company, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, and Estée Lauder.

Since 2006 Martin has consulted in numerous roles including; Global Learning & Development program for UBS, Business Relationship Management for Lehman Brothers, Global Event Marketing for Barclays Capital and NetJets. He now works on Event content and facilitation, management consulting to Event companies, and professional coaching of event managers with Senior Management potential both in London and NYC.

Martin is the author of Travel Secrets and a highly sought after freelance journalist.

Martin was born to write.  His observations are as acute as Waugh or Scott Fitzgerald at their best and he is far funnier.Sophie Caruth (Literary Agent)

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